Taking into account that winter is here, we all know that the firewood have to be stored properly, to protect them from heavy snow. In order to get the job done as professionals, you should plan everything from the very beginning, starting with the plans up to the location of the wooden construction. Moreover, it is also advisable to consult the local building codes, as to comply with the legal regulations. From our own experience, we cannot emphasize enough on the importance of the local building codes. For example the soil structure differs and so does the required depth of the holes.

A firewood shed should be placed quite far away from your home, otherwise the mice can get into your house. In addition, make sure you design the shelter large enough to deposit all the wood for a wintertime. In this manner, you will be able to keep them dry and ready for use.
Nevertheless, choosing the right firewood shed plans is maybe the most challenging task of the whole project, as you need to find the ones that fit your needs and budget. There are many free plans on the internet, but you need to check a few aspects, before taking the final decision. The plans should comply with the local building codes and should come with detailed step by step instructions. Moreover, the guide should also highlight the main steps of the construction process and come with a complete list of the materials needed.
1. A simple structure will not challenge your woodworking skills nor your budget. Therefore, instead of pouring an expensive and complex concrete foundation, we recommend you to place the shed on a couple of concrete blocks. Afterwards, build the flooring frame of the shed out of 2x4 or 2x6 joists, according to the weight it has to support.
2. 4x8' woodshed plans are a great choice, as the construction will be large enough to deposit firewood, while mot costing a fortune to build it. In addition, a lean to shape would be a great choice, as you can get the job done by yourself in a matter of days.
3. If you know the basic carpentry skills, you can save money by undertaking the project by yourself. Nevertheless, you don't need to forget that you need to several tools, such as a circular saw, a tape measure, a spirit level or a drill machinery. If you don't have these tools or the time to get the job done professionally, you should consider buying a shed kit. Therese kits come with all the components cut at the right size and shape, so you just have to assemble them together. If you ask a friend to assist you, you can event assemble the shed in an afternoon.
4. Make sure that all the components are installed properly and that the joints are rigid. If you want to get a professional result, we recommend you to plumb the walls with a spirit level, In addition, seal all the gaps between the rafters and the roofing sheets, otherwise the water might get the firewood wet. There are a lot of shed projects on the internet, so take a close look on them, before starting the actual project.
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